Thursday, September 30, 2021

All Around The World

 Aloha, Hip Hapa Homeez!

Your Hip Hapa
In case you didn’t know, September 21 was the ‘United Nations International Day of Peace’. In celebration of such a lovely thought, Your Hip Hapa created a music video featuring rapper One Sir Grove. Both of us used to co-host an internet show called ‘Sexy Voices of Hollywood’ and in the video, we pay homage to it.

The music video features a rap song celebrating the differences among us world citizens, from every background, from every culture, from every part of the planet. We all do live here together, after all.

Please enjoy 'All Around the World'!

And, please subscribe to our Youtube Watermelon Sushi channel if you like:

We also have our War Brides of Japan Youtube channel:

Here at Starwheels Productions, we’re currently working on two films with a multi-cult perspective.

One is titled 'Native Vegan'. It’s a documentary about the Indigenous of North America who have been reportedly vegan before colonization. With thanks to VeganFlix for presenting us with a seed grant, we plan to release the film by summer of 2022. Right now, we’re creating a short, or Proof of Concept, so please stay tuned to our Youtube Watermelon Sushi channel for updates.

Our second project has been worked on for years now, but has taken a new route. This will be both a graphic novel and a documentary about a war bride who was also an artist. If you’ve had the chance to view the Vincent van Gogh immersive this year, then this is close to the style we hope to achieve in displaying her artwork.

cafe au lait avec fluer by Yuriko

bratty catty by Yuriko

For updates, please check out our Youtube War Brides of Japan channel as we will be posting shorts, or Proof of Concept videos, soon.

Meanwhile, we are back to our format of interviewing mixed-race community leaders as well as anyone who is in an interracial relationship, a transracial adoptee, or crosses cultures. If you fit any of those categories, please drop us a line:

Your Hip Hapa,


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